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So I pay no interest on the mortgage of My house none my mortgage is Interest-free and you know it's nice to Have an interest-free mortgage as the Rates seem to keep going up every month So here is how I do it first I'm a Business owner I don't have a job and Secondly I chose to make my mortgage an Offset mortgage an offset mortgage works Like this let's say I take out a 100 000 Mortgage well usually you'd have to pay Interest on that money right but with an Offset mortgage if you have a hundred Thousand dollars in a bank account they Will use that to offset your mortgage And you pay no interest so here's why It's amazing for me as a business owner You see when you work in a job when you Give your paycheck the government will Automatically withhold the taxes you owe From the money whereas when you run a Business and a customer pays you money That includes the tax that you need to Pay but you don't have to pay the taxes Immediately so what I do is I keep the Tax money that I owe in a bank account And I only pay it when it's due and that Tax money offsets my mortgage so I pay No interest

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