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And when I started doing the short form Content every day that's when I started Getting a lot of people entering their Emails to buy from me And I went from getting about 20 email Opt-ins email leads people entering Their emails to learn more about my Offers a day to getting hundreds 500 I Get about 500 to a thousand now email Opt-ins email leads a day and a lot of It is because of the short form content I do but remember I'm not doing Super unique content every day I'm doing Generally very similar content it Follows a very specific outline okay and So even if I change the topic that I'm Doing I'm still I have a very similar Structure but one of the key points I Want you to remember as well is that I Practice I've been practicing this stuff For a long time over seven years now you Can look at my older videos my older Videos I can't even watch them because It was a struggle

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