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Now in the video what do we do we tell Them to go to a website right so we say Hey you know one of the tips is to go to Scarytoolbots.com now when they go to The website what happens they have to Enter in their email right so scary Toolbots.com they got into their email Right now when they enter their email What's going to happen they're gonna get Into our list our email list right and Then from there what are we going to do We're gonna basically just talk about Our different products right so email List and then from there you can do Whatever you want like for example right Now I'm doing a live stream right so Live stream now in the live stream what Did I do like multiple times in this Live stream I I said look you can buy my Black card get unlimited access to all My courses and stuff you can buy Shine Ranker the annual pass like I talk about All the different things I sell right so Ideally what you do is you just keep Doing something similar to this you Don't have to do a live stream it could Be like you know it could be a webinar It could be like a landing page whatever

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