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Hello and welcome to another episode of Make money your honey today we’re going To be talking about the future of AI ">Marketing I know a lot of people are out Here freaking out about AI possibly Taking their jobs and you kind of should Be but I believe that there’s really Great practical uses to Ai and that’s Part of what we’re going to be talking About today it’s how we’re going to be Using it moving forward and how it’s Going to be changing things for online
">Marketing the economy business so on and So forth for those of you who don’t know Who I am my name is Amanda obey I’m one Of the top female sales trainers online I’ve been doing something sales related For 15 years just that’s all you really Got to know in multiple different Capacities I’ve had two different kinds Of businesses and on this channel we Talk about all things make money you’re Hunting so that includes
">Marketing sales Systems and mindset because those are The four things that you actually need In order to make money and make money Your honey so if that’s something that Interests you make sure to subscribe and Hit the notification Bell because we Have like damn near daily content coming Out on this channel at this point Because that’s one of my goals and one Of my goals is to get known and also Provide you with so much valuable

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Content that even from the free stuff You make money that’s my goal so make Sure to subscribe if you haven’t done so Already and also if you haven’t done so Already make sure to download our AI ">Marketing resource guide that I put Together for you it’s totally free it’s A guide I put together to help you use AI in your business there’s stuff in That guide that I have not mentioned on This YouTube channel at all so you Definitely want to make sure to download That we’ve also put all the tools on a List for you and we’ve put all the Tutorials in one place for you as well So you can download that here and also In the description alright guys let’s Have a conversation about AI here’s the Thing I’m excited about it y’all already know That if you’ve been following this Channel for the last couple of months You’re excited about it too according to The statistics on this channel so it’s Exciting for everybody and I know that There’s people who are scared Because every time there’s a change in The industry people get scared Look here’s the thing there’s always Going to be changes if there’s one thing Business has taught me over the years It’s like there’s always a change like
">Marketing changes every freaking 90 days For example or there’s always some sort
Of something that’s going to bring about Changes in the industry nothing ever Stays the same which means that you Gotta stay on your game so you could Decide to look at this as the end of all Things oh my God it’s something else I Have to learn it’s going to take my job It’s going to do this it’s going to do That or you can learn how to use it as a Tool and use it for your benefit and Become more efficient which is what I Have done so the choice is ultimately Yours on how you decide to look at this I’m a naturally curious person I like Innovation I’m like how do we make Things more efficient how can we use This tool I look at it in that way I Don’t look at it with curios with Contempt I’m not combative about it I Look at it with curiosity and that’s What I advise a lot of you to do don’t Look at it with contempt look at it with Curiosity and figure out how you can use It to make money That’s what we should be that’s the Conversation we should be having about AI all right so let’s get into the Future of AI I have notes for this one Because it’s here to stay it’s not going Anywhere so the idea is like great if It’s here to stay how do we use it so Number one reduce cognitive load Ah This is probably my favorite part of AI
Now I know people are scared because They’re like people are gonna get stupid They’re not going to use their brains Anymore yeah some people are gonna get Stupid and not use their brains anymore That’s that’s a thing that that’s a Thing that’s definitely probably gonna Happen but I run a business right so Business owners are looking at it as Reducing cognitive loads for themselves And their teams so for example If I don’t have to waste extra brain Space on things that are not important And don’t move my business forward I Don’t really spend time on them so that Might be something like researching YouTube video topics or researching the Keywords or what title do I use or what Descriptions do I use I’m just using ">Marketing examples for now or like those Of you who actually do think maybe you Research for your clients right like Okay well can like the AI pull this up For me because you want to reduce as Much of the mental clutter and the stuff That zaps your energy as you can so that You can be very focused and then Innovate so while some people are going To get dumb or I shouldn’t say that but while some People are gonna get Dumber because That’s what some people are afraid of Yes that’s true but those of you who Actually know how to use it properly
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Which hopefully you do after watching This video you’re going to learn to use It to reduce the cognitive load in your Life so then you actually have more Brain space for more creativity and more Innovation and actually moving things Forward all right next thing is Predictive Analytics so I thought this Was actually pretty cool I haven’t I haven’t played around with this yet But I’m excited too and basically what People are predicting is that AI is Going to get to the point where it can Basically predict what consumer behavior Is going to look like so it’ll be able To tell you hey after they take this Action this usually happens next after They do this here’s the other thing and Then there’s a sale so the future of AI The Way businesses plan on using it is Hey can it get us these analytics and Can it figure out how the consumers and How the buyers are actually going to Behave so we can put that into our Systems or processes or our ">marketing And we make more money and they get Their problem solved so I’m excited About the Predictive Analytics I know There’s some things that I’ve already Been using it and testing it out but the Idea is that it’s going to get more Powerful with Predictive Analytics and That’s one of the ways that businesses Are going to be using it all right the
Next thing and it’s kind of along the Lines of predictive analyt but also just Social media ">marketing in general is Better advertising so imagine if you Combine Predictive Analytics which is Hey this is how consumers behave and This is probably what they’re going to Do and then you combine that with better Copy and you combine that with better
">Marketing and you combine that with Better
">marketing assets and you combine The two together so a lot of people are Excited about AI
">marketing and the Future of AI
">marketing because they Believe that it’s going to help make Better advertisements for products and Services and that’s one way that Businesses are going to be using it Moving forward and email
">marketing I Have said this several times that it can Help you write the email
">marketing but What I haven’t talked about is how it Can pull data from email
">marketing and One thing people are excited about is AI In in the future is going to have the Ability hopefully to look at your email
">Marketing and look at the consumer Behaviors and then tell you what you Need to do to fix your campaigns and who Knows maybe it’ll fix the campaign for You that would be great because if Someone who as someone who has written a Lot of email
">marketing campaigns Oh my God that would save so much time
If it just tells you what to do and then Goes to change it for you I look forward To that day I really look forward to That day as someone who’s built a lot of Who has written out a lot of email ">Marketing campaigns in her day because They can be incredibly time consuming And again anything that reduces the Cognitive load I am here for so I could Be more creative and more Innovative and Talk to more people and make more Connections which is what I really love To do so if you like this video go ahead And give it a thumbs up if you’ve heard Anything else going on about the future Of AI
">marketing leave it in the comments Below this list is by no means Exhaustive and this is still very early On who knows what this stuff is going to Do 5 6 10 years from now Um your thoughts about it I would love To hear it in the comments as well make Sure to subscribe and hit the Notification Bell because we have almost Daily content coming out share this out With a friend and make sure To get that AI
">marketing resource guide Where I share things in the guide on how To use AI for your business that I have Not even covered on the channel and may Not cover on the channel so with that Being said I’ll see you guys on the next Video