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All right so how long does it take to See results when trying to earn your First hundred dollars online first of All you want to figure out what are you Actually doing to bring in views now When you're bringing in views or traffic I recommend using short form content Because it's one of the easiest ways to Get traffic right now and Views the Other thing you have to realize is that With short form content you can get like Four times the platform exposure because You're you're thinking about Facebook YouTube Instagram uh Tick Tock it's a Lot easier to distribute your content on Multiple platforms and get views but in Order to make your first hundred dollars Really you just have to think about it's A numbers game if you can get 10 000 Views and you can get a few of those People to go over to let's say a landing Page or an email opt-in once you start Getting people signing up for your Emails it's pretty easy to sell people On things as long as you send them Emails that provide proof about whatever You're selling

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